Thursday, September 30, 2010

king scout's dinner^^

wohoo,2day gt so happy cos can go bac earlier...^^my dear shelby,how a u?tissue gt enough ma?juz arrive house,me n chia shin go bath immediately n when we juz start the computer,my mum jiu say:"wei,u two gin na,c tat clock,now muz out le,nanti tak sempat lo..."then we reply her:"aiyo,don be so worry la,sempat de la,gv us 5 mins..."manatau,when we wan go up the car,my mum suddenly shout n say:"apani,me forgot 2 take IC la,wait me a while har..."haizzz,jiu shi zhe yang,we gt late liao...
n when arrive sentosa hotel,we gt take lift till 6th floor n walk up 1 floor de stairs,we juz arrive then jiu gt c cmt n scout's members walk towards us n say:hehe,so qiao de,we juz wan go down 2 find u 2 then u 2 jiu arrive liao...
ps:gt a lot of funny things happen la,but me lazy 2 taip liao,say next time la..n shelby,u attend de wedding ceremony is at the ground floor de,but me is at 7th floor's ball room de,so 2day can't meet u la...